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GPT-4o: Code with AI Precision on CodeGPT

Experience the future of coding with OpenAI's most advanced language model. Tackle complex problems, generate efficient solutions, and elevate your development process with unparalleled AI assistance and Stack Overflow integration.

"GPT-4o is mind-blowingly intuitive. It completes complex functions and finds solutions almost before I finish typing, as if it's reading my thoughts. The Stack Overflow integration is a game-changer. It's completely transformed my coding workflow."

- Jordan Mitchell

GPT-4o: Your AI Coding Partner

Our Codestral redefines AI-assisted coding. It doesn't just complete your code; it understands your intent, suggests optimizations, and even helps architect complex systems. 

  • Rapid code generation
  • Context-aware assistance.
  • Multilingual proficiency.

How it works

Get started with CodeGPT and Codestral Assistant in three easy steps.
Seamlessly integrate and elevate your development workflow.


Create your account and set up Codestral.


Select GPT-4o Assistant to your project.


Integrate CodeGPT with your favorite IDE and start building.

Boost Your Development
with CodeGPT and GPT-4o

Frequently Asked Questions

CodeGPT is an AI-powered development platform that integrates directly into your IDE, offering intelligent code suggestions, debugging assistance, and enhanced collaboration features. It's designed to improve productivity and help developers write better code faster across various programming languages and frameworks.

GPT-4o is an advanced AI Agent within CodeGPT that combines the power of OpenAI's latest language model with specialized features like Stack Overflow integration and CodeBuilder. It's designed to provide comprehensive coding assistance, from answering queries to setting up entire project structures.

To access Stack Overflow insights, use the /stackoverflow command followed by your query in any CodeGPT chat. GPT-4o will search for relevant Stack Overflow answers, provide AI-curated responses, and include links to original threads for deeper exploration.

CodeBuilder is an AI-powered feature of GPT-4o that acts as your project architect. It automatically generates entire project structures, files, and configurations based on your input requirements. This allows you to start coding instantly, eliminating time spent on initial setup.

GPT-4o enhances your workflow by providing instant access to Stack Overflow knowledge, automating project setup with CodeBuilder, offering advanced code suggestions, and assisting with complex problem-solving. This comprehensive support significantly reduces development time and improves code quality.

Yes, CodeBuilder offers full customization. You can specify your exact requirements when initiating a project, and CodeBuilder will tailor the output accordingly. This ensures that the generated project structure and files align perfectly with your development preferences and project specifications.

GPT-4o is available in select CodeGPT plans. To access its features, including Stack Overflow integration and CodeBuilder, ensure you're using a supported plan. Check our pricing page or contact our support team for specific plan details and availability.

CodeGPT and GPT-4o prioritize code security and privacy. All interactions are encrypted, and we do not store your code or use it for training purposes. When using the Stack Overflow feature, only your specific query is sent, not your entire codebase, ensuring your proprietary code remains confidential.

Yes, GPT-4o is versatile and can assist with a wide range of programming languages and frameworks. Whether you're working with Python, JavaScript, Java, or any other popular language, GPT-4o can provide relevant suggestions, answer queries, and help with CodeBuilder setup for various project types.